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How to make most of this festive season Influencers?

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Becoming an influencer is not an easy task. If you are just starting then it is not an easy cake to bake. It requires a hell of a lot of your energy, mind, dedication, and hard work. If you are a beginner you will face a lot of issues. Competitions are high, it is so hard to find a brand to collaborate with. You need to work more to get into a place where everyone will notice you and give you work. Actors, actresses, top models, sports stars’ brand value is very high and in the starting, you also dream the same. But you have to put on so much effort. But this festive season is the best time you can make use of it to become a remarkable impeccable influencer. If you are a new budding influencer, then worry not, we’ve got your back. We will let you know how you can make use of these festive seasons to grow as an influencer.


How can influencers make the best use of the festive season?

Well, festive seasons are coming up. Diwali is around the corner. If you do a proper strategy, the bustling festive season can be a great help to improve yourself in the field of influencer. Festive seasons give you drastic chances to stand out from the noisy competition world as brands and firms also look to grow their company and product to a more extent and to meet the people’s demand they look to improve their production and marketing. The following ways can be a great help if you are planning to grow your standard. So buckle up and start reading the entire article.

  1. Post-high-quality images
  2. Use all the features of the media
  3. Improve your storytelling
  4. Collaborate with small and then go to big
  5. Collaborate with other influencers
  6. Do hauls
  7. Optimize bio, highlights, and aesthetic
  8. Do a proper content calendar with a proper strategy
  9. Engage with your audience
  10. Write winning pitch to brands you want to work

Post high-quality images

Post high-quality images on your profile. We don’t like watching posts that are blurry and not so clear. We want clear pictures and videos. So before the festive season starts, invest in a good camera. This investment is not going to be a waste for sure. You will soon get to feel its advantage. If you got a quality camera, then there is no need to invest in a photographer every time. You can just click your picture on your own easily. When your picture or video looks decent and clear, we will continue watching it. But if it doesn’t, there are many chances that a viewer will skin yours and jump to others who post quality stuff. So make sure you are posting good-quality pictures on your profile.


Use all the features of the media

Most of the budding influencers want to do this. Let us take Instagram as an example. Instagram has many features and it is the best place for you to grow your audience. On Instagram you can post single pictures, carousels, normal videos, reels, igtv, go live, put stories, and there is much more to do on Instagram. Make sure you are using all of Instagram’s features. You can post various pictures of yourself in many ways, you can do a small video and post it on reels. Reels are a great feature of Instagram that you can use. Also, do you know that before Instagram was only an image-sharing app but soon it is going to be a video-sharing app? So if you are shy or hesitating to do a video, don’t be. Start with a small video. Start making a 10 to 20 seconds video and you can easily get a hold of it. If you want to grow yourself, you have to come out of your comfort zone. S make sure you are using all the features of Instagram or whatever media you are using.


Improve your storytelling

As an influencer, you should know the power of storytelling. There are many people out there creating creative innovative stories that can reach people sharp. You have to create more than them to stay longer in the people’s hearts or at least to get the attention of the people. Visual storytelling is important. Make sure you are doing that with a proper strategy. This festive season is the best time to impress people with your storytelling. You go to many places and shop a lot, you wear many dresses, start becoming creative and tell your story that reaches people’s minds strongly and sharply.

Collaborate with small and then go to big

Many budding influencers want to grow overnight. But bro, that is not how it works. You are just a budding one, how can you think you will get chances from a big one. If you want to get a high ticket client then you should start from small. Don’t lose any genuine opportunities that come to you even if it is small. Start by small, grow your audience, and soon you will get to work with big brands. In this festive season, every brand, that is from small to big, everyone looks to grow their brand. So you can use this opportunity to grow your audience. Every genuine offer is an offer ticket for you to grow. SO don’t waste it.


Collaborate with other influencers

This is the best way you can grow your circle. You can network and engage and collaborate with influencers who are seniors to you. In that way, they will post something about you on their page and you will get a huge profile visit. That is one great way you can grow yourself in this festive season. There are many ways you can collaborate with influencers. Create videos with them. Post them on your profile, when they put that link on their page you will get their audience to visit your profile, also they will post something about you on their page. So always interact and network with other influencers. Learn from them. Don’t hesitate to put our questions in front of them.


Do hauls

You can do hauls in this festive season. There are many advantages of doing haul videos in this festive season. You can do dress hauls, amazon haul, Flipkart haul, beauty haul, basically you can do anything on this haul. If you buy something at a discount or offer, maybe some others also want to know about the same and that time you will get the opportunity to grow yourself. So put haul videos in this festive season. Do saree haul, lehenga haul, accessory haul, etc., There are many things to do.


Optimize bio, highlights, and aesthetic

Optimize your bio, highlights, and aesthetics. It’s very crucial. Make sure you have a great aesthetic in your profile. If any leads are looking into your profile, you don’t want them to run after seeing your page. So make sure it is attractive theme-wise. Make sure you are maintaining your highlights properly. Put some attractive thumbnails in your highlight. Also, optimize your bio occasionally. Your bio is the place where you can take the lead or your audience knows about you. So update the bio, highlights, and aesthetic timely.


Do a proper content calendar with a proper strategy

You can’t post content or stories anytime you want. You should post it according to your content calendar. There will be many things like what to post, when to post, etc., Make sure you are following that. If you post stories and posts like trains, then your audience will feel bored. So don’t stuff your page. Post according to a proper content strategy. You can invest your time to know the statistics and analytics that can help you in creating a proper strategy.

Engage with your audience

You should never fail in this. This festive season is also a holiday season. Also, this is the season where people mostly use social media and online mostly. So make sure you are engaging with them properly. You can reply to their comments so that they will know that you are caring about them and reading their comments. You can go live and interact with them. Sometimes post questions and answers in your story. Answer to their questions. Post polls. Do whatever you can do to connect and engage with your audience.

Write winning pitch to brands you want to work

If you are looking to work under any particular brand, make sure you are writing a winning bid to them. You just can’t expect everyone to come under you, you also should make efforts. Start writing pitches today.


Final Words…

So we hope we have broken down some good tips that can help you in this festive season to grow yourself as an influencer. Make sure you follow all these steps. All the best influencers.