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Influencer Marketing Plan In 5 Simple Steps for Brands | Get Results

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We all know that influencers are the backbone of many businesses. No matter if it’s a small business or a large business, influencers play an important role in the action of marketing and promoting. There are many mistakes a brand can make while choosing influencers. Sometimes they would get stuck at finding a proper influencer. Even if they find an influencer for their brand, their campaign may get stuck. So a proper marketing plan is quite important for influencer marketing. This is a guide for you if you are planning your next influencer campaign.

What is Influencer Marketing and Who are called Influencers?

 An influencer is someone who can make you take the decision of purchasing some product or service. They are people who are experts in reviewing the product and endorsing it.

And influencer marketing is a part of social media marketing where influencers promote, advertise and market the product to his or her audience.


Advantages of Influencer Marketing:

 Before getting to know the influencer marketing plan, let us give you some reasons why you need to implement influencer marketing for your business.

  1. Primarily, it’s a win-win partnership for your business as well as the influencer. Your influencer will share the content they created for your business on their social media, so you will get brand recognition and followers count. Then you will share the same thing which they created in your social media channel which will increase the audience for them.
  2. Helps in winning the credibility and trust of your customer.
  3. Your customer will get easily attracted when you show their favorite celebrity for your product advertising.
  4. It drives purchasing decisions of the audience and it will eventually increase your sales.
  5. As a business owner, you would be having a lot of packed schedules. When you opt for influencer marketing, it will help you in saving your time.
  6. It has a wide scope. And influencer marketing can be used by any business. From sports to fashion to cooking to automobiles. Influencers can help you in achieving your business target.
  7. It increases your brand awareness and helps in reaching your brand across boundaries.
  8. You can easily get genuine leads through influencer marketing.


Influencer Marketing Plan:

 You might be following many marketing strategies to sell your product. And at times, you might underestimate the power of influencer marketing. If you are underestimating the influencer marketing power, then you are a big loser. It is very important to use Infleuners as a tool to improve your marketing. Especially if your product is customer-based. If you are stuck in jotting down an effective influencer marketing plan, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here we are breaking down simple and easy 5 steps which you can follow.

  1. Define what product or service you want to sell.
  2. Select the right social media platform for your Influencer marketing campaign
  3. Define your online audience
  4. Look out for the right influencer in your niche and connect with them.
  5. Craft and monitor your campaign.

Define what product or service you want to sell:

If you are a beginner, you might be having some inhibitions in the product or service which you are offering. In the busy business world, competitions are fierce and consumer convenience is more important. So whatever product or service you want to sell, you have to be very careful because product markets are saturated.

Your brand may have tonnes of products and services. But you can’t force all your products to be an influencer or in an influencer marketing campaign. You have to be clear and precise in what you are promoting. This is the primary step but at times many brand managers get stuck here. But you need not worry. You can easily define your product and service by focusing on your customer’s wants and needs at a specific time. Then you can jump to the next process.

Select the right social media platform for your influencer Marketing Campaign:

 You know how many social media platforms are available. And millions of people are using the same. But You can’t run your campaign in every media. You have to be clear and precise in choosing the right social media platform for your campaign. Do you know Instagram is the best platform for your influencer marketing campaign?


Instagram has become one of the fast-growing and most important influencer platforms around the globe. Millions of people post sponsored posts on Instagram. In the latest report, almost 89% of influencers prefer Instagram for influencer marketing campaigns.

Define Your online audience:

You may use Instagram or Facebook or any platform for your campaign. But in every platform, you have to define your target audience. The right audience is the right customers. Your products will appeal best to your target audience. Most campaigns fail because of their wrong target audience. They won’t focus only on their target but in general. This will mostly tend to fail.


Bad marketing means targeting the wrong audience. I bet you don’t want to do that. You can follow the below steps to target your right audience.

  1. First, analyze your current customer.
  2. Determine their location, where they are coming from, where they are staying, etc.,
  3. Get to know your competitors and analyze their DNA.
  4. Discover your audience’s likes, interests, etc.,
  5. Create buyer persona
  6. See which social platform they are mostly using.
  7. Reach them on social media.

Look out for the right influencer and connect with them:

 There are billions of influencers in the world. Fashion influencer, gaming influencer, CGI influencers, beauty influencer, CBD influencers, etc, You have to choose your ideal influencer who promotes products and services in your niche. Presenting influencers who are not ideal for your product can lead to failure. SO it is better if you choose the right one. Influencers can be divided into the following types,

  1. Nano Influencer (those who have 1K to 10K followers)
  2. Micro-Influencer (influencers with 10K to 100K followers)
  3. Macro Influencer (influencers who have 100K to 1 M followers)
  4. Mega Influencer. (1 million-plus follower or celebrities)


They will charge you according to their engagement rate, reach, and relevance. If you don’t have much money to spend on mega influencers, you can take advantage of micro-influencers. They are easy to deal with and will help in effective direct sales.

After finding the right influencer, connect with them. You can get their mail id on the social media itself. Then write them a professional message. While writing an email pitch, you have to be very concise. Be kind, flatter, be human, authoritative to show your credibility.  They will get back to you.


Craft and monitor your campaign:

After reaching out to your ideal influencer, the next step is to create a campaign plan. A brand manager should be very careful while crafting the plan. You should focus on everything you do here. From the content to the campaign post, everything should be sharp and crisp.

Analyze your competitor. You don’t have to copy them but you can learn from them. You can ask your influencer to change their bio link to their product page. As already said, take advantage of micro-influencers. You can choose many micro-influencers for your campaign. This will mostly cost less and you will get many benefits as well like brand expansion etc.,

After crafting all your campaign and its goal, you should measure the metrics including clicks, views, follower growth, brand mentions, brand engagement, etc.,


What is Next After an Influencer Marketing Campaign?

You know influencing does not just depend on the follower’s counts. It also depends on the content that influencers provide related to your product. He/ she should work hard to produce a result which shows gain in your revenue. So as of now, you completed your influencer marketing campaign. Then what is next?

  • You have to behave human to your influencer. In simple terms, you should be more human. Don’t always behave like a robot. You know even after completing their project with you, they are still a part of your business. Your every action affects your business.
  • Build relationships. Even after completing the campaign, you can still connect with them through social platforms. Because they helped you in your business. So you can connect with them. Who knows, maybe you might do business with them in the future.
  • Maintain relationships. Yes, maintain a professional relationship with them for the future.


Final Words

We hope we gave you enough reasons to choose influencer marketing for your business. Many business campaigns fail because of the lack of a proper and effective business plan. We gave you an exact plan that you can use today in your influencer marketing strategy. Simply reading this won’t give you any desired result. After reading you have to start action, you should apply the thing which you learned in your plan. So start now. There is no better time than now.