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How to Get Paid Collaborations

Covid-19 has opened the doors of extensive online opportunities for all of us. It was the golden phase for all influencers on social media channels and paid collaborations because their channels grow with high-rapid growth.

Are you an influencer who wants to find paid collaborations in some genuine ways? 

We have a solution!

No matter whether you are on YouTuber, Instagram, Facebook user, or have a blog domain. Paid collaboration is a major source of income in the industry of 90% of influencers because they earn more from this than an advertisement. And who doesn’t like creating content?

Finding some paid collaborations to grow individually in the market has been a tough task. Is your advertising income from the channel not enough to pay your expense? 

Paying for content, photographers, studios, makeup, and whatnot!!

No doubt that influencers who are getting enough good paid collaboration have impressive lifestyles and status because brands offer them generic substantial income to them.

Exciting Right?

Here are some ways that you could use and involve them in your paid collaborations, and be a better influencer in the field of advertising products,

How to Get Paid Collaborations? 6 Simple Ways

1. Direct Approach From Social Media – Get Paid Collaborations with DM 

Don’t think that is “why you should approach directly from social media”. It’s not about dignity but it’s about kick-starting things. You need to begin things by yourself because once your flow has been set then everything will be done according to your requirements. Initially, influencers were required to approach the brands directly from social media.

You can simply DM the big brands about the paid collaboration proposal.

Need some tips?

Pro Tip to Follow-

Here you need to do one thing that proves yourself unique and mindful to grow their revenue and business through your paid collaboration. You need to write an impressive bio and your skills or any kind of previous experience if you have one.

2. Email Templates: Profession Approach for Paid Collabs

Using an email template (that must be customized from brand to brand) is a good idea for the influencers. They can approach professionally to the brands to get paid for collaboration. You need to do this task regularly because the success rate is 10:100. If you send 100 emails then the conversion rate of acceptance is only 10%.


Pro Tip to Follow-

I am sure that many influencers even don’t know about the email format and don’t send an unprescribed format or anything that came to their mind.

Think about it- You are an Influencer and your email must be creative like your skills on social media. It is the first step that you need to take for creating your image behind the brand. Don’t make it tough and use your mind and skills. You can also use a search engine’s help to create something mindful.

3. Build a Powerful Social Media Community:Social Media Community

All social media platforms required strong engagement and powerful community relationships. When you have an audience who is connected with you all the time and love your content creation then they also follow your brand suggestions. On the other hand, if follower numbers are countless but there is no credibility in terms of relationship with the community then brand collaboration does not work in the right approach.

Pro Tip to Follow-

Credibility is required here. What do you think about this? Without collaboration brand promotion and collaboration do not work. Your audience must be convinced to invest as per your suggestions.

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4. Should You Negotiate to Get Paid for Collaboration?

NegotiateWhy Not?

I mean, if you are a beginner or you do not have enough projects then you can go for it. The start is a must and negotiation is the first thing that you need to do with the brands. It’s about the portfolio and when your brand collaboration portfolio is increasing then budget negotiation will not a big deal for you initially. However, negotiation must not go so much down that affects your market rate for brand collaboration.

5. Influencers’ Apps for Brand Collaboration


Here I am going to write something that is so much useful for you if you use this for brand collaboration. There are so many apps for the brand’s collaboration. You need to sign up and log in to this application to start exploring the opportunities for paid brand collaboration.

It’s your call how you want to move for the opportunities 

There are many apps and website for Brand Collaboration That Works for Influencers and Haul Pack is also one of them.  

6. Create a Unique and Eye-Catchy Profile

You need to create a unique and eye-catchy profile on these portals to make the brand collaboration opportunities in your favor. Done all the things that you need to complete for the profile creation.


FAQs You Must Know to get paid for Collaborations

1. What is the right time to get paid collaborations?

Most of the influencers who are beginners even don’t know the right time to start approaching and getting paid for collaboration. One thing that you need to know is, there is no particular followers peak time that suggests now you need to start paid collaboration.

2. Do Followers Define the Success Rate of Influencers?

Followers do not define the success rate because I am damn sure about the recent social media trends. Some of the influencers who have fewer followers also prove the best output for brand promotion with collaboration goals.

We saw some of the top influencers who started the paid collaboration when they just have only 5000 followers. 

If you have fewer followers right now, then you can start a collaboration with those brands that have low budgets.

On the other hand, if you have a good number of followers then you can go with those brands which have impressive budgets.

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The Bottom Line:

  • Let’s start brand collaboration by keeping these points in your mind which are suggested. 
  • It’s about the major things that you need to know as an influencer but if you think that you have some more ideas in your mind then you can also use them.
  • Brand collaboration for influencers works like adding water to the planets. 
  • Therefore, boost your revenue growth apart from advertising your content with brand collaboration.