Home » Instagram vs YouTube. Which platform to choose for your Influencer Marketing Campaign?
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Instagram vs YouTube. Which platform to choose for your Influencer Marketing Campaign?


According to a recent study, 80% of consumers rely on peer reviews when making purchasing decisions for brands. Instagram and YouTube are the two most popular social media platforms used by consumers to share their opinions about products and services. Many businesses have been using these platforms to showcase themselves and build brand loyalty with their customers.

Until now, the biggest debate has been, is Instagram a social media platform or YouTube? When it comes to marketing needs, things need to be scrutinized. But when it comes to influencer marketing, Instagram is the first choice of marketers. Why is that? And if this is the truth, why is there a constant debate between Instagram and YouTube?

This is because this is not the entire truth. When it comes to influencer marketing, YouTube also has many things to offer. Compared to Instagram, YouTube videos are a lot more engaging.

Instagram vs. YouTube: Which platform is better?

We are afraid, the answer is not straightforward. There are also a few things to look out for. Let us get started with the details!

Instagram vs. YouTube: Key stats

Before we dive into the qualitative data, we will firstly tell you some quantitative numbers. Following is the comparison between the key statistics of both of these platforms.


  • Total users on the platform: over 1 billion people
  • Engagement rate: 3%
  • Average influencer rate: $10 per post/1000 followers
  • Influencer accounts like each post (Average): 1,542


  • Total users on the platform: over 2 billion people
  • Engagement rate: 18%
  • Average influencer rate: $20 per post/1000 subscribers
  • Influencer accounts view each post (Average):24,343

With the above information, you might think, Youtube is a better option than Instagram, since it has more users and engagement rate. But the theory is not simple. Youtube has millions of videos in it, and not every video gets the same response. To stand out on YouTube, your content needs to be unique. If videos are your forte, you have a career scope on Youtube. And if you can’t come up with unique content daily, YouTube might not be the ideal deal. However, in video marketing, YouTube is a better option!

Instagram vs. YouTube – Ways to Choose the Right Platform for Your Campaign

To choose the right platform for your campaign, you need to set a new target. The following R’s are of most importance. Crucial things to notice are mentioned below:

Resonance: By resonance, we mean the potential engagement an influencer can generate with their post. This depends on the number of likes, views, or comments your post is getting.

Relevance: By relevance, we mean,  your post is reaching how many target audiences? This can be found by analyzing which platforms the influencers in your niche use more.

Reach: To how many people your post is reaching? How many of them are relatable? This can be analyzed by counting the followers of the influencers.

Every social media platform is crucial and can give you the results and profit you want. The only thing you have to decide is the right post.

On YouTube, the engagement rate of videos is high. But on Instagram, influencer marketing has a greater impact, which can be seen in reels.

Instagram vs. YouTube – Pros & Cons

Instagram Pros:

  • This platform is excellent for branding and promoting newly launched products in the market.
  • Compared to YouTube, the cost of influencer creation rate is lower.
  • Even if the campaign is over, you can easily reshare the image by asking permission from your influencer.
  • For fitness, beauty, travel, and food, Instagram is an excellent option to explore and share.
  • You can also enhance the visual appeal with stickers, GIFs, images, and emoticons.
  • The re-edits are straightforward. It hardly takes a few minutes to re-edit a post or a story.

YouTube Pros:

  • The primary advantage of YouTube is that: It is an excellent platform to share unboxing and review videos. When you wish to see the performance of a certain product, the first platform you visit is YouTube.
  • On Youtube, the audience can be engaged effectively and it is also easy to measure them.
  • Videos provide benefits for long-span. Even when the campaign is over, you still get the profit.
  • YouTube is an excellent medium for fashion, food, travel, beauty, skincare, and almost all kinds of mediums.

Closing Words on Instagram vs. YouTube

This should not be a question in the first place, because both platforms are equally effective. If you wish to make the most for your business, always go with a cross-strategy that includes usage of both Instagram and YouTube.

Always make sure your posts are reaching the target audience. Only this way can help you get the maximum profit with a higher engaging rate!